Yup For Schools

Yup Tutoring for schools.


What is the website for the Yup Dashboard?

Sign in to the Yup Dashboard schools.yup.com., using your school email address.

What is the cost of a Yup for Schools contract?

The cost of each contract depends on several factors, such as size. To best understand your school’s unique situation and to come up with a customized contract that meets your needs, please connect with Danielle Rispoli, our Implementation Manager. 

Want to learn how Yup can help your school? Visit us at yup.com/schools

Have a question? Visit our FAQ for schools at yup.com/faq

I'm with a school that partners with Yup. How do I get started?

If you’re a student, please reach out to your school (typically an administrator or teacher) for information on how to get signed up for Yup. 

If you’re an administrator or teacher having trouble getting started, please reach out to your school's Yup representative, Danielle Rispoli. 

Our school program

Our Yup for Schools program provides a scalable, online tutoring solution for schools. We started our school program in 2016 to serve under-resourced districts and have since expanded our program nationwide. From New York to Los Angeles, Yup is empowering students to learn by providing them with access to the academic support they need to succeed. 

A Yup for Schools partnership brings Yup to students at scale, providing them with 24/7 remote math tutoring. Once you sign with Yup, you’ll be paired with a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) who will guide you through our implementation process::

  1. Kick-off Call
  2. Teacher onboarding
  3. Student sign-up and onboarding
  4. Continued Support

Kick-off Call

Work with your CSM to solidify goals, ask any questions that you may have about the rollout, and finalize your success plan!

Teacher onboarding

Your CSM will provide teachers with a 30-minute onboarding training that will review:

  • What Yup is
  • Your school’s Yup goals
  • How students use Yup
  • How teachers access and use our dashboard and data

Student sign-up and onboarding

Student sign-up is easy! Yup can activate student accounts automatically via a student roster, or we can sync directly with Clever.

Yup provides teachers with turnkey-ready materials to show students:

  • How to log-in
  • How to use Yup
  • How to make the most out of Yup

Students can even access Yup for their first time in class!

Continued Support

We want to make sure that you’re getting the most possible out of your Yup experience! 

Want to learn how Yup can help your school? Visit us at yup.com/schools

Have a question? Visit our FAQ for schools at yup.com/faq or send a note to our Implementation Specialist, Danielle Rispoli.