Sexual Harassment Policy 

School Year 2022-2023

Prenda promotes an educational environment free of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of students, parents/guardians, Guides, or any other person in the Prenda community is unlawful and will not be tolerated. Further, any retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual harassment or retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a sexual harassment complaint is similarly unlawful and will not be tolerated. 

To maintain an environment free of sexual harassment, conduct described in this Policy will not be tolerated.

Prenda takes allegations of sexual harassment seriously and will respond promptly to complaints of sexual harassment, and where it is determined that such inappropriate conduct has occurred, Prenda will act promptly to eliminate the conduct and impose corrective action as is necessary.

Please note that while this Policy sets forth Prenda’s goals of promoting an environment that is free of sexual harassment, the Policy is not designed or intended to limit its authority to take appropriate action for conduct which it deems unacceptable, regardless of whether that conduct satisfies the definition of sexual harassment.

Sexual Harassment Defined

"Sexual harassment" means sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between students, adults, or students and adults when:

  • Submission to or rejection of such advances, requests, or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of academic standing or school-related opportunities; or
  • Such advances, requests, or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's academic or work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or sexually offensive school or work environment.

Under the definition stated above, direct or implied requests by a Guide, parents/guardians, or any individual in a position of authority for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised benefits such as favorable review, better grades, recommendations, or other advantages, constitutes sexual harassment.

The legal definition of sexual harassment is broad and, in addition to the above examples, other sexually oriented conduct, whether it is intended or not, that is unwelcome and has the effect of creating an educational environment that is hostile, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating to male or female students or others in the Prenda community may also constitute sexual harassment. Note that sexual harassment includes any kind of harassment on the basis of an individual’s sex, sex-stereotyping, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 

While it is not possible to list all those additional circumstances that may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of conduct which, if unwelcome, may constitute sexual harassment depending upon the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, whether they involve physical touching or not;
  • Sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one's sex life; 
  • Comments on an individual's body, comments about an individual's sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess;
  • Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons;
  • Unwelcome leering, whistling, brushing against the body, sexual gestures, suggestive or insulting comments; 
  • Discussion of one's sexual activities or inquiries into others’ sexual experiences; and 
  • Verbal, non-verbal, graphic, or physical aggression, intimidation, or hostile conduct based on sex, sex-stereotyping, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 

All individuals should take special note that, as stated above, retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual harassment, and retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a sexual harassment complaint is unlawful and will not be tolerated.

Complaints of Sexual Harassment

If any Prenda Guide witnesses an act of sexual harassment occurring in the microschool environment, the Guide should take any and all steps to stop the conduct immediately and report the conduct to Prenda at  Prenda may thereafter initiate an investigation.

While Prenda investigates the allegations, Guides must ensure that no further act of harassment occurs or otherwise work with Prenda to ensure a safe community environment.


Right To Report

Parties who believe that they have been subjected to sexual harassment may file a complaint with appropriate state and federal agencies. Incidents may also be reported pursuant to the student handbook of the public charter or district school partner with which the affected student(s) are enrolled.