Substitute and Assistant Guide Policy

Guides may engage subcontractors to act as a Guide Substitute (Substitute) or Assistant Guide (Assistant) at their discretion after passing a background check.

School Year 2024-2025

Guides may engage subcontractors to act as a Guide Substitute (Substitute) or Assistant Guide (Assistant) at their discretion. The Guide will contract with their Substitute/Assistant independent of Prenda and will arrange compensation for their Substitute/Assistant independent of Prenda. However, if a guide contracts a Substitute/Assistant, they must complete a background check before interacting with any microschool student. Please allow a minimum of 1 week for processing time on the background check.  If a Guide fails to follow this policy, Prenda may terminate the Guide’s Platform Agreement.

  • A “Substitute Guide” is defined as an individual who will serve temporarily in place of the Guide in the Guide’s approved space.
  • An “Assistant Guide” is defined as an individual who provides support to the Guide during microschool operations. The assistant likely has some supervisory responsibility with the students and is authorized to substitute when the  Guide is not present. 


A Guide may select a Substitute/Assistant candidate on their own (often this is a family member of a student in the Guide’s microschool) and submit this person to Prenda for the required background check. 


Compensation is arranged directly between the Guide and the Substitute/Assistant.

Requirements for the Guide

The Guide must submit a background check request for each Substitute/Assistant in  Prenda World under Background Checks in the left-hand sidebar.  After the guide has submitted the individual's information in Prenda World, the potential Substitute/Assistant will receive an email from Checkr and need to follow the directions in that email to initiate the background check.  Once the results of the background check are returned by Checkr as clear/approved, the individual may begin subbing or assisting in the microschool. 

As a best practice, Prenda recommends that the Guide should ensure the Substitute/Assistant has access to all necessary information  before joining your microschool, such as:

  • Guide’s emergency response plan  
  • Students’ family emergency contact information 
  • All key operational details
    • Arrival and departure details 
    • Pick-up and walk/bike authorization for students 
    • Medical and allergy information for students 
    • Student learning accommodations 
  • Full access to the microschool facility (e.g., keys, security code) 

Prenda also recommends the Guide host a Substitute/Assistant Guide for an introductory/observational visit before leaving them as a substitute. 

Guides should notify parents in the event of a Substitute/Assistant joining the microschool.