Prenda World: Viewing Your Child's Progress

Parents using Prenda World to view their child's Progress


Prenda World provides parents with a view of their children’s attendance records and progress in their learning tools. The Overview gives parents a snapshot of how their children are performing both holistically and on an individual student basis.

To see the Overview:

  1.  Log into Prenda World with your email address and password. 
  2. Click on Home in the left-hand sidebar. 
  3. The Overview is at the top of the Home page. 

NOTE: If you have multiple children registered with Prenda, they will all be on the same screen.

PW parents overview

The different categories on this page can help you gauge your child’s progress. Each one can display up to six different statuses. The statuses are:

    • Above expectation
    • On track
    • Behind
    • Off track
  • No goal set
  • Not available


Attendance Rate measures the percentage of student attendance compared to the total number of school days. It is helpful to determine whether the student is meeting attendance expectations. Attendance does not account for bonus time in the calculations.

    • On track: 90%-100%
    • Behind: Between 80% and 89%
    • Off track: Lower than 80%
  • Not available: No calendar or attendance created


Learning Tool Progress

Learning Tool Progress tracks if a student is on track to meet their long-term goals in math and language. The percentage in the metrics defines the amount completed compared to the amount the student would need to have completed to achieve their end-of-year goal. 

Math and Language Goal Progress

    • Above expectation: Student has made more than 100% of expected progress, meaning that student is ahead of their goal.
    • On track: Student has made 96% to 100% of expected progress.
    • Behind: Student has made 91% to 95% of expected progress.
    • Off track: Student has made less than 91% of expected progress.
  • No goal set: No core goal set in Prenda World for the specific student; please navigate to the Goal tab of the Student Profile and set one for the student.
  • Not available: No progress in the selected tool.