I Want to Take my Child out of Their Current Microschool and Become Their Guide Myself

Your child is moving from a Prenda microschool led by another adult to doing Prenda in your home led by you or another family member.

If your child is moving from a Prenda microschool led by another adult to doing Prenda in your home led by you or another family member, follow these steps. Guides can also share this information with families switching to a single family microschool due to microschool closure or any other reason.

  1. Let us know you are making the switch, and tell us your child's last day of attendance at their old microschool by filling out this student change form. Please make sure to allow at least a week - ideally two  - between the time you submit the form and your student's last day of attendance in their current microschool. Setting up your Prenda World account can take up to two weeks. 
  2. Next, visit this link, click on your state, and choose the Start My Microschool button in the top right-hand corner. You will be guided through your Prenda World account setup. 
  3. Let your child's guide know your child is leaving. Your child will take their Chromebook (and Treasure Hunt Reading books, if applicable) with them, and they will continue using the learning accounts (Lexia, Math, etc.) currently set up.