Prenda Community Standards 

The Prenda Community Standards set behavior expectations for all users of Prenda’s microschool platform; including guides, students, parents and guardians, and other visitors.

Prenda’s Community Standards

The Prenda Community Standards set out behavior expectations for all users of Prenda’s microschool platform, including guides, students, parents and guardians, and other visitors. 

The Prenda Community Standards typically apply only to behavior that takes place on Prenda’s platform. However, any behavior that substantially impacts others’ microschool experience (including guides) may result in platform privileges being limited, or removed entirely. Prenda retains the discretion to determine what conduct outside of the platform is subject to discipline.

1. Be safe and help others do the same 

Safe learners are empowered learners. All users of Prenda’s platform 

  • must not use the platform in a way that harms others, whether or not the person harmed is also on the platform. 

  • must not access or promote pornographic, obscene, violent, illegal materials, or materials that promote self-harm on the platform. 

  • must not use sexually inappropriate language (including written and non-verbal language) towards others or engage in any sexual behavior or harassment. 

  • must not use written, verbal, or other language to bully, threaten, stalk, intimidate, “troll”, or harass others. This includes the use of derogatory language. At the same time, Prenda supports free speech and the free exchange of ideas, even if it may inadvertently hurt the feelings of others, as long as the discourse remains civil. 

Prenda empowers guides to create an empowering learning environment for students. While guides operate their microschools independently from Prenda, Prenda’s platform is fundamentally incompatible with certain, unsafe practices. Guides on Prenda’s platforms, while operating their microschool or performing guide activities: 

  • must not use corporal punishment of any kind, including spanking.

  • must not be under the influence of alcohol. 

  • must not illegally possess, use, or be under the influence of dangerous drugs or narcotic drugs. 

  • must not make any sexual advance towards a student, either verbal, written, or physical. 

  • must not engage in sexual activity or a romantic relationship with a student, or date a student. 

  • must not expose students or others on the platform to lewd or obscene materials.

2. Obey the law 

All users on Prenda’s platform must adhere to all applicable local, state, and federal rules, regulations, ordinances and laws, including, but not limited to, mandatory reporting laws while using the platform. Mandatory reporting laws may vary by state. Please review your state-specific guidelines here. Users also must not promote any illegal activity, or advocate, promote, or assist any unlawful behavior. Ignorance of such rules, regulations, ordinances and laws does not excuse the failure to abide by them.

3. Respect the privacy of others and don’t share any sensitive personal information of others without their consent 

All users must protect sensitive personal information obtained on the platform and not divulge it to any third party without consent, or, in the case of learners, their parent’s or guardian’s consent.

4. Be inclusive and don’t discriminate 

All users must refrain from engaging in any actions, oral statements, and written statements that harass or discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sex, nationality, religion, disability, medical condition, marital status, age, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Prenda’s determination that harassment or discrimination has occurred may not be coequal with the legal definition of those terms. In other words, Prenda may determine that certain conduct is harassment or discrimination under these Community Standards that the law would not classify as such.

5. Promote empowered learning 

All users must not disrupt, hinder, or interfere with the educational process of others.

6. No commercial activity 

Prenda is for learning, not for self-promotion and commerce apart from the microschool. Users must not promote non-microschool commercial activities on the site, nor sales, contests, sweepstakes, and other sales promotions, barter, or advertising. 

7. Honesty 

Users must be honest and not falsify any information to Prenda or to others on Prenda’s platform.

8. Respect the intellectual property of others 

Users must not violate the trademarks, copyrights, patents, or other intellectual property of others.

9. Respect Prenda’s platform 

Users must not post, upload, or otherwise transmit any malicious code, files or programs, or take any other action designed to interrupt, damage, destroy, or limit the functionality of the Prenda platform.

10. Help others follow the Community Standards 

Users must not cause or induce anyone else to engage in activities that violate these Standards.